• Four notes on the last few days.

    by  • October 22, 2008 • 1 Comment

    1> The laptop is the new desktop – moving essential communications functions on to the Acer Aspire One (AA1) – leaves the MacBook as the workstation frees up a ton of ram, but more importantly, frees up focus. – it seems to be psychologically significant that the subnote is *small* – can’t say why – [...]

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    New Hardware: Acer Aspire One

    by  • October 19, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Gift from a dear friend who knows that my mac needs some time in the shop and that I could use a traveling machine. Wikipedia page on the AA1. Four thoughts. 1> Keyboard is very good for the size. 2> Machine is fast – subjectively faster than my Macbook for some operations. 3> Bundled software [...]

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    Shaking out the big ideas

    by  • October 16, 2008 • 0 Comments

    So this is one of those time periods during which I go through and cull things – what ideas are workable, which ideas are fail-laden monstrosities. There are a bunch of critical mass phenomena all heading in roughly the same direction at roughly the same speed, and now its a case of figuring out what [...]

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    The Open Toolbox for Domestic Disaster Response – new company, new paper

    by  • October 14, 2008 • 0 Comments

    The Open Toolbox for Domestic Disaster Response The Open Toolbox is our new brand. It’s a consulting company which is focussed on getting open source appropriate technology (OSAT) into commercial supply chains, using a “Red Hat” approach – consulting, custom engineering, service contracts, and all the other stuff that companies and governments need to have [...]

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