• Following the Icelandic crisis… head on.

    by  • October 8, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Aura Capital Partners Global and Nordic News Feed My friend David sits on the news, picks out the most useful bits, and pops them into a feed. What’s particularly interesting is which bits are significant to David – not necessarily the things you’d immediately think of as being key features, but if you follow the [...]

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    New Hexayurt Project Blurb

    by  • October 7, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Please post any feedback you have on the new blurb in the comments. Much appreciated, thank you. Download the PDF here. The Hexayurt Project in a nutshell. The Hexayurt is an extremely simple disaster relief shelter which is designed to replace tents in many applications. Its unique feature is that it can be mass produced [...]

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    Threats of martial law on bailout plan

    by  • October 4, 2008 • 1 Comment

    Rep. Brad Sherman, D-California says that some representatives were told that if the bailout bill failed, there would be a catastrophic financial crisis followed by martial law. Things that make you go… hm… Ron Paul… “America is going bankrupt… We’re in the same position the soviets were… we can’t support the empire any more…”

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    The New Mandate: Tent Cities -> Hexayurt Cities

    by  • October 3, 2008 • 2 Comments

    The Hexayurt can be made in plywood for $132 plus paint for a long-life, durable dwelling, or a rapid deployment unit using folding components can be made. There is no reason that we cannot provide acceptable housing to people unlucky enough to wind up in tent cities. These shelters can be cheaper than tents, for [...]

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    Only in England: the Eco-Stasi – and Ecuador!

    by  • October 3, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Residents of the planned eco towns in England could face strict monitoring of their travel habits, home insulation and even wasted food, to ensure they are truly living a “green” lifestyle. Experts advising the government on its plans to build up to 10 eco towns by 2020, yesterday called for ministers to toughen environmental standards [...]

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    The End of Empire (Part 1 / 3)

    by  • October 2, 2008 • 4 Comments

    I want to do a little thinking about what the world will look like in a post-Imperial America scenario. Let me start by defining “Imperial.” Iraq and Afghanistan are occupied or protectorates or colonies depending on how you think about it. There’s no clearly defined exit timeline, nor is there a clear and absolute end [...]

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    Chilling throw away line in a play review

    by  • October 1, 2008 • 0 Comments

    We were just out of the 1960s when “Equus” arrived, and this creed of communing with one’s inner madman had more appeal than it does today, when people are doing their best to hold themselves together as familiar social structures threaten collapse. Equus review in the NYT

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