• AKVO’s big, big, big world

    by  • September 29, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson does a short presentation at World Water Week. Really worth watching. Particularly is that it is at heart a discussion of scale as a primary challenge in global change. Worth remembering the world is a big, big, big place… 6,000,000,000 is 20 Americas, six Chinas, 120 Britains… it’s a big, big, big world.

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    On the global financial collapse

    by  • September 29, 2008 • 1 Comment

    We should have given individuals money to pay their mortgages. That was the real answer here. As it is, the banks still wind up owning the empty houses, the people still wind up homeless, and the crash is still coming. Why the bad debt of the banker can be bought by the state, and not [...]

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    Nice repurposing

    by  • September 29, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Hot tub built into a dumpster via BB. What I particularly like about this is the practicality of it. Yes, it could use some insulation, but actually the idea of a hot tub you can roll around the place, transport, deploy where needed… nice. Also plenty deep which is unusual for hot tubs. Somebody should [...]

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    Michael Kay on Mass Casualty Incidents

    by  • September 28, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Unlike a surge of isolated medical emergencies that occur within a particular jurisdictional area, a MCI is marked by the characteristic that the causal agent is the same and that the injured are normally initially located within one (relatively small) contained area. Michael is one of the Masters of Disaster, and the rest of the [...]

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    Google’s Project 10^100 – the Hexayurt Project entries

    by  • September 25, 2008 • 1 Comment

    May those who help most win so they say. I made three entries – the hexayurt, the infrastructure package, and the low cost medical care. The Hexayurt The hexayurt is a reasonably well tested next generation disaster relief shelter built on free/open source principles and industrial supply chains. It comes from work done at the [...]

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