• On growing up in a tribal society

    by  • July 19, 2010 • 0 Comments

    I came of age in an internet tribe. It was the 1990s. Internet tribalism, loft living and a lot of long haul train travel connected me to an amazing network of some of the smartest, most vivid, most alive people I’d ever met. Creative magic happened, adventures were had, communities were built, lives were changed, [...]

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    The Future We Deserve

    by  • July 18, 2010 • 1 Comment

    The Future We Deserve is a book about the future which I am working on with a group of friends, new and old, mostly from Twitter. The purpose of the book is really simple – it’s to show lots and lots of great perspectives on the future, and to showcase the power of collaboration to [...]

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    Three reasons for hope: energy, fuel and food

    by  • July 13, 2010 • 10 Comments

    Introduction I was recently asked if I had hope for the world. I do. There are lots of reasons why, but the three biggest areas are breakthroughs in energy, fuel and food production. These are not all technologies, but they are often technologies. Have a read and see what you think. Energy 1>Nanosolar Nanosolar has [...]

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    The Strategic Complexity Framework – for Dummies

    by  • June 26, 2010 • 5 Comments

    I recently pestered my friend Noah Raford to summarize his understanding of Cynefin and complexity in a single page document. Noah called it the Strategic Complexity Framework. I, being still a bit dyslexic, can never keep the “simple, complicated, complex, chaotic” thing from Dave Snowdon‘s Cynefin framework straight in my head. And I think about [...]

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    15 Aphorisms on Spiritual Politics

    by  • June 24, 2010 • 0 Comments

    1. Spiritual Politics is the art of the impossible. India, South Africa, America. 2. Spiritual Politics will cost you your life, metaphorically and in many cases literally. 3. If you have any choice in the matter, you have not passed. 4. The spiritual politician is both all powerful (as god) and powerless (before all others, [...]

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    Infrastructure is a land multiplier

    by  • June 15, 2010 • 0 Comments

    A “force multiplier” increases the relative effectiveness of a fighting force. A gun, for example, is a force multiplier. Infrastructure is a land multiplier. For example, at five people per acre, about the maximum possible sustinable density for high intensity organic agriculture, Greater London can support about 1/4 of its current population. Therefore the “land [...]

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