• FPIP: Foreign Policy by Internet Protocol

    by  • January 29, 2011 • Everything Else • 1 Comment

    Four factors combine

    1. 5.1 billion cell phones, soon to be 7 billion smart phones on 3G networks
    2. increasingly valuable services delivered over international borders, like Google
    3. global shared knowledge bases like wikipedia or satellite maps
    4. telemedicine, tele-engineering, microconsultancy, social media and so on as the tools spread into new areas of life

    Non-state actors conducting FPIP include WikiLeaks, Appropedia and many other groups. Currently it’s not at all clear that any state has begun to effectively deliver FPIP.

    (See Winning the Long Peace for a longer analysis of Foreign Policy over Internet Protocol)

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    Vinay Gupta is a consultant on disaster relief and risk management.


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