• Come to CrisisCampLDN on Saturday!

    by  • January 27, 2010 • Everything Else • 0 Comments

    Please come to #CrisisCampLDN on Saturday. It’s five minutes walk from Holborn, nice venue, working wifi, and a coffee machine that sounds like a diesel generator. Directions and register at http://crisiscamphaiti-london.eventbrite.com/.

    Lots of great people are coming – and please click on that link, I’m proud of that little project. For everybody at the camp, we took a twitpic, and posted it with their name and their twitter handle URL and CrisisCamp activity. If all the CrisisCamps do that – let’s tag it #ccpeople please – you’ll be able to see what CrisisCamp was in real time. This is a lofi one of Mark Charmer’s (Akvo) strokes of genius.

    When I got the call from Heather Blanchard at CrisisCampHQ asking me to set up the London effort for Haiti, I couldn’t say no. I’m very glad it’s going so well.

    Vinay Gupta
    Hexayurt Project


    Crisis Camp London is one of the international Crisis Camps organized to support relief efforts in Haiti. It brings together technical and non-technical people to work together on tasks. It works in collaboration with on-the-ground organisations, relief agencies and other crisis camps, by organising over the internet.

    We’re meeting from 10am til 5pm every Saturday until 27th February, to work on projects that make life easier for people on the ground.

    We need more people to join in the fun and help with both technical and non-technical tasks from system design, programming, giving user feedback, project management, facilitation, working on maps, gathering information from the web, the logistics and admin of keeping the camp running, and helping people to keep in touch with what is going on.

    Register for the camp at http://crisiscamphaiti-london.eventbrite.com/. Even if you can’t make it, please help by telling other people about it, or help out anytime from the comfort of your favorite chair on the simple tasks anyone can do. Your spare minutes add up to weeks of relief effort an will save lives. (from our wiki)

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    Vinay Gupta is a consultant on disaster relief and risk management.


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