• Why do nations exist?

    by  • August 11, 2008 • 0 Comments

    If we follow Augustine, however, the history of Europe’s political failures is not only the history of misguided ideas, but of misplaced love. The nations of Europe rebelled against their foster-mother the Church, and abjured their loyalty to the People of God, that is, the common Christian congregation to which all the tribes of Europe [...]

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    new water filtration technique based on the structure of water?

    by  • August 11, 2008 • 0 Comments

    In 2003, Gerald Pollack and his colleagues at the University of Washington, Seattle, discovered a process known as the “particle-exclusion phenomenon”. They found that particles dissolved in water naturally move away from a hydrophilic, or water-loving, surface, leaving pure water behind. What was really surprising was quite how far the particles would move – up [...]

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    The Corporate Biomass Stove

    by  • August 11, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Coming of the Corporate Biomass Stoves – Mass Manufacturing to Save the Day? For the last year or three there has been a huge amount of activity in what I call “corporate stoving” – it is not as if corporations of one kind or another have not always had wares for sale (certainly in the [...]

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    slipping through the cracks

    by  • August 8, 2008 • 0 Comments

    it’s not hard to see the details of the plan arching off into the hyperbolic distance fractal repercussions of every cut thread i think i saw you again this path we call progress infinite goals semantic, memetic, genetic in being born we are reaching for infinity profusion, duration space and time the life of the [...]

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    Ecologically-minded right wing Hindu gurus on the march

    by  • August 8, 2008 • 0 Comments

    A coalition of gurus has issued an ultimatum to India’s fragile Government: purify the chronically polluted Ganges, the river revered by Hindus, or face protests and political ruin. Ganga Raksha Manch, a newly formed alliance of celebrity holy men, is demanding urgent action to cleanse the holy waterway, which has become a noxious cocktail of [...]

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    Another gem from Jonathan’s blog

    by  • August 8, 2008 • 1 Comment

    Another good one from Jonathan – Youtube anthropology. It’s an excellent talk. From the first few minutes * youtube adds 9,000 hours of content every 24 hours * equivalent to 400 full TV channels That sort of put things into perspective for me, and it just keeps going.

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    closing thoughts from a long day

    by  • August 7, 2008 • 0 Comments

    If you want to change the world, get serious, get educated, and get to work. Pick a problem, whether it’s water quality or organic agriculture, and get good and educated. A lot you can get online – start with TED talks for an overview, then progress to UN reports and similar documents. It might take [...]

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