Andy Buxton and the SleepBreeze Personal Cooler
by Vinay Gupta • October 24, 2007 • Hexayurt • 1 Comment
Andy Buxton just wrote an article on shelter cooling and the rational for the SleepBreeze Personal Cooler on Appropedia.
It’s a very useful piece of kit, and you should be able to buy one soon. I recommend subscribing to the BreezeBlog if you’re at all interested in product development, small business, manufacturing logistics, ergonomics, or just, in general, gadgets and science.
Hi, Vinay, thanks for this post.
I’ll be adding more content to the Appropedia shelter cooling theme shortly.
I’m also going to add some thoughts on the origins and science behind microclimate cooling on th BreezeBlog. This is a fascinating story starting in the 1940s bringing physiology, engineering and good old-fashioned innovaton together.
The first batch of SleepBreeze coolers will be on sale most probably in January through our online shop.
However, we are shipping some models out to a Humanitarian Aid organisation to test in South East Asia this coming December. We look forward to hearing from them how the coolers have helped.