• Wow.

    by  • September 21, 2007 • The Global Picture, Trivia and Media • 2 Comments

    I checked out Viridari’s Blog in response to a comment here, and found this gem:

    Now, on so many levels, you can see how close we are to a total collapse of the current value system. Hippies marching under the pledge of allegiance buffaloing confused small town cops with by the sound of the tape, extremely solid discipline and no shortage, whatsoever, of bravery.

    Would that the Democratic party had such a spine.

    What needs to happen is that the left and the right supporters of the Constitution need to come together. The left needs to give up it’s futile and anti-rights stance on the Second Amendment and allow, at the very least, for rifle ownership across the board, casting out unconstitutional restrictions like those that apply in big cities like New York and Chicago. On the other hand, the Right needs to accept that victimless soft drug crimes (pot) are matters for community service, not incarceration, and that abortion rights etc. are facts of life.

    The choice is clear: unite in mutual respect and support for the Constitution, or lose everything.

    The hippies in the clip above showed the way. Follow.

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    Vinay Gupta is a consultant on disaster relief and risk management.


    2 Responses to Wow.

    1. September 23, 2007 at 5:26 pm

      You sound like a closet libertarian. :)

      The left and right get a few things right, but are encumbered by a lot of non-constitutional issues that bring them both down. The founders were actually pretty wise and if we stick to their original framework, the country would be a much better place to live and a much better neighbor to other nations of the world.

    2. September 23, 2007 at 5:37 pm



      http://guptaoption.com/3.future_islam.php – slide 3

      and also


      Yeah. I think that a Libertarianism without involving the government in the formation of private companies – any more than the government should be involved in marriages – is the right way to go.

      Unrealistic? Well, I’m not suggesting we try and modify the running American system to work that way. Although we could crank back on corporate power enormously in all kinds of ways.

      Rather, I think that we have to face the fact that the 21st century is going to result in an entirely different spectrum of sovereignty, and some of these ideas could be tried, on an experimental basis only, in micronations or temporary states.

      If the work, let’s see what we can learn and backport!

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