• the 20% dollar

    by  • September 20, 2008 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    I’m really scared about America if/when the dollar collapses.

    How far does it have to go depends on how likely people think America is to pay its debts.

    I just… shit. That was my country, my homeland, even if a series of regrettable events put me in Iceland. At some level I’ve always been an exiled American. That’s a mental position that’s slowly eroding with time and with the sheer unwillingness of the American people to get angry about the right things and ignore petty political bickering, but I still believe firmly in what the Revolution stood for, in what the Constitution represents, and in the greatness of spirit latent within the American people, wherever they may find themselves.

    But all of that has been obscured by this filthy political process which has brought the best of the worst into positions of power, on the shoulders of people who would rather die than think – and do.

    The wheel of the world has turned, and fortune’s favor has moved onwards, I fear, from the beacon of liberty. 200 years held aloft the torch, may it’s darkness be swiftly over and not too deep.

    Good luck, America. Godspeed.

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    Vinay Gupta is a consultant on disaster relief and risk management.


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