Pan Yue on Eco-Socialism
by Vinay Gupta • April 24, 2008 • The Global Picture • 1 Comment
PY: Actually, the Green Party does not represent eco-socialism.
I study eco-socialism, but that is not to say I am in full support of it. It is too idealistic and lacks ways of solving actual problems, particularly for developing countries. However, it does provide political reference for China’s scientific view of development, and gives socialist ideology room to expand. More importantly, it gives a theoretical basis for the establishment of fair international rules.
ZJ: How did eco-socialism come into being. What does it consist of?
PY: The green movement arose out of a re-evaluation of western industrial civilisation. Although the Reformation, the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution were all contributing factors to the birth of western industrial civilisation, the root cause was colonialism, which permitted the large-scale relocation of developed countries’ economic and social contradictions. To ensure this relocation could proceed smoothly, capitalism created a set of international rules to protect its own interests, and environmental issues are a case in point. Developed countries account for 15% of the world’s population, yet use over 85% of its resources. They raise their own environmental standards and transfer resource-intensive and polluting industries to developing nations; they establish a series of green barriers and bear as little environmental responsibility as is possible. In the end, the green movement found that any problem can be relocated, except pollution, because we all live on the same planet.
Pan Yue is the deputy minister of the environment in Chican who talked about China having 150 million environmental refugees in the nearish future.,1518,345694,00.html
My old terms for this development – hard left green politics – ecostalinism and ecomaoism – are still at less than one page of google results each. Major blind spot. Apparently the “official” term is ecosocialism which… wel…. 16k hits on google, and pretty fearsome stuff.
I want to compel people to not pollute my air & water too, does that make me a Stalinist sympathizer?