• Obama: Mighty Impressive

    by  • April 12, 2008 • The Global Picture • 2 Comments

    I think that Ron Paul was much needed chlorine in the pool – but a little goes a long way. Obama looks like an electable post-cold war president, somebody who can actually move America forwards. I’m not sure that America has a lot of strong options going forward – the mess that they’ve made of their country and the world since 9/11 has taken away most of their strongest options – but a heroic rally is always possible.

    Back to the Constitution, ladies and gentlemen, back to the Constitution. It was always (literally) the Jewel in America’s Crown, and without it the nation is nothing but a bunch of disconnected people and disparate interests. It’s the magic spell that binds America into a cohesive whole, the act of spiritual insight that the nation is based on.

    And that’s my problem with Obama. He gets People. I don’t know if he gets We The People.

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    Vinay Gupta is a consultant on disaster relief and risk management.


    2 Responses to Obama: Mighty Impressive

    1. April 14, 2008 at 8:18 am

      Impressive speech all right, and not his first standing ovation.

      I only hope that by the time he’s through, Big Government won’t be even bigger.

    2. April 14, 2008 at 8:20 am

      There’s also some relevant coverage at:


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