• Just watched Fitna

    by  • March 28, 2008 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7d9_1206624103 is the english version of the film.


    • It’s really a piece of demagoguery.
    • I now understand this “islamofascism” word that people use – they draw a parallel between the jew hating Nazis and the jew hating Muslims. The problem, of course, is that Islam has a pretty damn good record on human rights for jews up until the formation of the State of Israel – at least as good, if not much better, than the Christian record on human rights for jews (hello Inquisition!) so its more a question of short timeline than accurate analysis.
    • It could have hit a hell of a lot harder on geopolitical questions, but it was mainly designed to cause a storm in the Netherlands, not globally.

    Worth 15 minutes to see what the fuss is about? Only if you’re particularly motivated.

    http://www.guptaoption.com/3.future_islam.php is a link to my old piece on understanding Islam and the current situation, from an american military viewpoint (which is not my personal position, but was the group I was trying to speak to with this piece.)

    Update: http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/international/5708071/Threats-push-antiQuran-film-Fitna-offline

    It’s been taken offline due to death threats against the hosting firm. Who’d have thought that we’d need Freenet for dealing with terrorists?

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    Vinay Gupta is a consultant on disaster relief and risk management.


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