• Archive for August, 2007

    STEAMPUNK prosthetic arm

    by  • August 21, 2007 • Science • 0 Comments

    At a certain point, the weight of the batteries required to provide the energy to operate the arm for a reasonable period becomes a problem. It was the poor power-to-weight ratio of the batteries that drove Goldfarb to look for alternatives in 2000 while he was working on a previous exoskeleton project for DARPA. He [...]

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    Nuanced and brilliant

    by  • August 21, 2007 • Science • 0 Comments

    Saving the Internet with hate. It’s a riff on protocol, reputation, process, people and code. And it works, I think, on levels that nothing else I’ve seen might. A++ – I hope it’s bigger than bittorrent.

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    Gulf coast hurricane Dean watch

    by  • August 18, 2007 • Hexayurt • 0 Comments

    In Mississippi, Gov. Haley Barbour and Federal Emergency Management Agency officials warned more than 13,000 families living in FEMA trailers since Hurricane Katrina nearly two years ago that they must evacuate if Dean hits the area. Barbour said people should think about where they will go if an evacuation is ordered and how they’ll travel. [...]

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    Keeping people at home through a pandemic

    by  • August 18, 2007 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    TV. Round-the-clock, first-episode-to-current-date marathons of: * Friends * Battlestar Galactica * Star Trek * Grey’s Anatomy * Buffy the Vampire Slayer * Firefly and so on. I guess daytime soaps etc. may have a role, but I don’t know what they are called. I think on those channels participating in the national “vegathon” news ought [...]

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    by  • August 17, 2007 • Hexayurt • 3 Comments

    Matthew suggests sending me to Peru. I replied on Treehugger: Oh, I’d be up for it but we need these tested – I mean **really** tested – before we start putting other people’s lives on the line. Give us a year or two of well-funded practice runs, then we’ll talk about *really* being able to [...]

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    Why gay marriage matters

    by  • August 17, 2007 • Personal • 0 Comments

    Nasty story about guardianship and gay people. There are similar stories about immigration – couples separated with no way to marry and resolve visa issues. It’s time for this to stop. Either abolish the legal standing of marriage between men and women, leaving it as a religious institution, or institute it for others. I’m aware [...]

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