• Personal

    Yesterday was an amazing day

    by  • January 4, 2009 • Personal • 2 Comments

    Yesterday was another one of those “the internet brings the best out of people and the world” days. It started badly. My Macintosh decided it didn’t have a battery. Even though it did. That was really the last straw – case problems, screen flickering, these things were manageable. But a notebook that doesn’t know its [...]

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    First Akvo Video – What is Akvopedia?

    by  • November 21, 2008 • Personal • 0 Comments

    First video from my new collaboration with Akvo, an open source water charity, working on getting ultra low cost videos made which explain their operations and make Akvo more transparent. This is 30 minutes from Mark on Akvopedia which is an open water technology resource. For commentary and making of, see The Akvo Blog. We’re [...]

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    Four notes on the last few days.

    by  • October 22, 2008 • Personal • 1 Comment

    1> The laptop is the new desktop – moving essential communications functions on to the Acer Aspire One (AA1) – leaves the MacBook as the workstation frees up a ton of ram, but more importantly, frees up focus. – it seems to be psychologically significant that the subnote is *small* – can’t say why – [...]

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    New Hardware: Acer Aspire One

    by  • October 19, 2008 • Personal • 0 Comments

    Gift from a dear friend who knows that my mac needs some time in the shop and that I could use a traveling machine. Wikipedia page on the AA1. Four thoughts. 1> Keyboard is very good for the size. 2> Machine is fast – subjectively faster than my Macbook for some operations. 3> Bundled software [...]

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    Shaking out the big ideas

    by  • October 16, 2008 • Personal • 0 Comments

    So this is one of those time periods during which I go through and cull things – what ideas are workable, which ideas are fail-laden monstrosities. There are a bunch of critical mass phenomena all heading in roughly the same direction at roughly the same speed, and now its a case of figuring out what [...]

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