• Year Zero

    by  • April 13, 2007 • 0 Comments

    Trent Reznor has, it turns out, not only not lost it, but matured into a really profound voice. YZ is cheesy in places. It cannot be denied that there are a few place where he’s going for an effect that nobody can quite pull off except live. But songs repeat, and repeat, and repeat, and [...]

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    The Five Pillars of the New Society

    by  • April 12, 2007 • 1 Comment

    1> Mahatma Gandhi showed that in some cases, poor people could resist political oppression by economic warfare and collected, calm non-cooperation. If he is understood as an economist, who understood that increasing self-sufficiency reduces the dependence on the State, and therefore, if the State is run by your oppressors, for your oppressors, you get a [...]

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    2D barcodes

    by  • April 11, 2007 • 0 Comments

    Take a cryptographic key, encode as a 2D barcode, then load on to a camera phone by taking a picture of the key. Generalizes to other devices of course.

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    Public disclosure

    by  • April 11, 2007 • 1 Comment

    Just to be sure this isn’t patentable. 1> Delicately manipulate a digital image to change it’s SHA1 hash and make bitwise comparison impossible. Options include taking a larger image and changing the subset of the image rendered down into a smaller image (i.e. moving the crop lines), adjusting brightness, contrast and other variables, like color [...]

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