• Fiona Apple is the female Leonard Cohen

    by  • March 30, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Interesting evening listening to classical music. Cuing up Fiona Apple afterwards was interesting, because I’d gotten kind of sensitized to a different range of instrumentation. Well well well, she’s emotionless. It’s all in the words, not in the voice.

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    If there were four of me, one of me would be investigating this

    by  • March 29, 2008 • 0 Comments

    SANTIAGO, Chile — When military forces loyal to Gen. Augusto Pinochet staged a coup here in September 1973, they made a surprising discovery. Salvador Allende’s Socialist government had quietly embarked on a novel experiment to manage Chile’s economy using a clunky mainframe computer and a network of telex machines. Enlarge This Image Joao Pina for [...]

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    energy storage comparisons

    by  • March 28, 2008 • 0 Comments

    “My favorite example in comparing energy storage options is on your desktop,” said John O’Donnell. “If you have a laptop computer and a thermos of coffee on your desk, the battery in your laptop and the thermos store about the same amount of energy. One of them costs about $150 and the other one costs [...]

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    I wasn’t aware this had been proved…

    by  • March 28, 2008 • 1 Comment

    Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal? Adams HE, Wright LW Jr, Lohr BA. Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens 30602-3013, USA. The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group [...]

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    How to do satcom – not cheap, but damn satellite communications have improved

    by  • March 28, 2008 • 0 Comments

    http://mackaymarine.com/ppf/catid/13/pid/616/product.asp Inmarsat BGAN – the terminal is $2500 – and does reasonably fast data (256k bidirectional.) Transfer prices are around $10 per megabyte. It speaks bluetooth to phones and so on and USB / bluetooth / ethernet to computers. BGAN Explorer 110 The Explorer 110 system is the smallest and lightest broadband satellite terminal. Half [...]

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