• Capitalism vs. the Caste System

    by  • September 1, 2008 • 0 Comments

    “The untouchable has been touched by India’s growth. Dalits are coming out from hunger and humiliation,” said Chandra Bhan Prasad, a popular Dalit newspaper columnist and childhood friend of Ram’s. “Capitalism is beginning to break the caste system,” said Prasad, who is conducting the survey. … “To me, this is the greatest social change India [...]

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    Food grabs by Europe

    by  • September 1, 2008 • 0 Comments

    http://www.celsias.com/article/manufactured-famine/ EU fishing the hell out of Africa, for example. Also references “Late Victorian Holocausts” which covers the democidal activities of the Brits. The Indian Holocausts seem to have had more in common with the Ukranian Famine than the Holocaust but you get the general idea. An era that history has politely forgotten, for the [...]

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    by  • August 31, 2008 • 0 Comments

    Hm. 97% ripe on Rotten Tomatoes and with good reason. To get this and Batman in the same year really rather validates Hollywood as an institution that still has it. What Toy Story showed about friendship, and Finding Nemo said about fathers and sons, or the Incredibles said about families, WALL-E says about one form [...]

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    A pox on both their houses

    by  • August 30, 2008 • 0 Comments

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-j-elisberg/the-worst-vice-presidenti_b_122491.html Brutal beat down on Lara Croft Sarah Connor Sarah Palin. If you make it through the article, here’s my thinking: “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” I think people will vote for her as a mom-with-a-gun, as the VPILF (cough, hack) and as a symbol of America’s past and [...]

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    Radioactive decay varies depending on the distance from the earth to the sun???

    by  • August 29, 2008 • 1 Comment

    http://www.celsias.com/article/energy-crossroads/http://arxivblog.com/?p=596 Implications: I think this might turn out to be the ultraviolet catastrophe of our era. It’s something which is entirely convenient to study in the lab so it should be highly replicable, and it’s weirder than all hell. Here’s hoping that it’s not some dopey measurement error due to something else which varies annually.

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