• The Global Picture

    Small is Profitable – 207 benefits of distributed resources

    by  • March 2, 2008 • Hexayurt, The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    http://web.archive.org/web/20070506151357/www.smallisprofitable.org/207Benefits.html 207 Benefits of Distributed Resources 1 Distributed resources’ generally shorter construction period leaves less time for reality to diverge from expectations, thus reducing the probability and hence the financial risk of under- or overbuilding. 2 Distributed resources’ smaller unit size also reduces the consequences of such divergence and hence reduces its financial risk. 3 [...]

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    Works for me! (from the black swan guy)

    by  • February 27, 2008 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    Random tinkering is the path to success. And fortunately, we are increasingly learning to practice it without knowing it–thanks to overconfident entrepreneurs, naive investors, greedy investment bankers, confused scientists and aggressive venture capitalists brought together by the free-market system. We need more tinkering: Uninhibited, aggressive, proud tinkering. We need to make our own luck. We [...]

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    Chinese intelligence work differently

    by  • February 18, 2008 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    I mean, I remember one case in which a person engaging in intelligence activities had his kids in the room with him when he was meeting with someone. And you’ve never, you can’t imagine how unattractive it would be to present in court espionage in the background and two kids watching TV in the foreground. [...]

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    Somalia – Functional Anarcho-capitalism?

    by  • January 16, 2008 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    The east African country of Somalia has been without a functioning central government since the overthrow of its aging ruler, General Mohamed Siad Barre, in 1991. Since the dictator fled, the country has been victim to a horrific clan-based conflict, and has become the archetype of a failed state. … Yet, despite the chaos, and [...]

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    What is to America as Lead in the drinking water was to Rome?

    by  • January 9, 2008 • The Global Picture • 0 Comments

    The Divorce Pill? Women generally prefer the smell of men whose MHC gene complements are different from theirs, setting the stage for the best biological match. But Wedekind’s T-shirt study revealed one notable exception to this rule: women on the birth-control pill. When the pill users among his subjects sniffed the array of pre-worn T-shirts, [...]

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    Permaculture in India

    by  • January 6, 2008 • The Global Picture • 4 Comments

    Bill Mollison, the founding father of the Permaculture movement, gives us a quick tour of one of his many projects. This time we’re in central India, a couple of hours north of Hyderabad — walking amongst mangoes, bananas and a wide variety of other fruit and vegetables. What’s special about it is this ‘food forest’ [...]

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